Italian Solar Radiation Atlas
Italian Solar Radiation Atlas
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Italian Solar Radiation Atlas

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Database on-line
  Maps of Solar Radiation
  Table values of Solar Radiation
  Daylight illuminance in Italy
  Daily Light Integral
  Solar Radiation on Clear Sky



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On-Line Database

Over the years, ENEA has equipped itself with a substantial archive of solar radiation data consisting of 1) ground measurements of global and diffuse irradiation on the horizontal plane and direct on a normal plane, 2) maps of solar radiation obtained by processing satellite images and 3) data and maps of other solar parameters calculated from the radiation. In this section some products of this activity are presented.

In this section you could find our vast database, tools and products. The activity of ENEA of measurement and estimation of solar radiation in Italy is described in this documents.

Maps of Solar Radiation in Italy
The maps in this page are referred to the time period 2006 ÷ 2020.

Table values of Solar Radiation in Italy
This page contains the table values of monthly average daily and annual averages related to the time period 2006÷2020 for 243 italian locality.

Maps of daylight illuminance
The natural light plays a crucial role on the energy and environmental performances of buildings. The illuminance maps are derived from solar radiation data and maps.

Maps of Daily Light Integral (DLI)
The correlations between solar irradiation and DLI have been studied, and here it is presented DLI data starting from the global horizontal solar irradiation.

Maps of Daily monthly mean Energy on Clear Sky
In this section are presented the maps of Daily Monthly Mean Energy on Clear Sky.


Italian Solar Readiation Atlas
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